Sunday - Lexington to Nashville to Memphis to Oklahoma City

Nashville  • 
Can I just say I hate it when I type a bunch of stuff and then something happens and it is ALL lost!! argh:( Now I have to rewrite it all. Kentucky is like a postcard. So beautiful and picturesque. The rolling hills of green grass with the fences and horses running free. I think my dad would love...

Saturday - Niagra Falls to Kirtland OH to Lexington KY

Niagara Falls  • 
Last nigh was a late night. We didn't get to bed until 1 am. and we were up at 6:30 and back at it again. We had driven to Niagra Falls after the Pagent, so we were right there to see the falls first thing. We had forgotten our passports at home (we were to Basha's when we remembered, but once Br...

Friday - Palmyra New York

Palmyra  • 
The drive this morning through Vermont was beautiful! We were on a 2 lane road so we really felt the joy of the drive versus just being on the freeway. The scenery was gorgeous, the weather was phenomenal (65 degrees) and we had all the windows down and the sun roof open and the radio blaring and...

Thursday - Boston--Concord--Lexington--Maine

Boston  • 
Boston--woke up, ate our breakfast, loaded and headed out to see Concord and Lexington. These turned out to be favorites for both me and Bryan! I would definitely come back and stay here in Concord! We went and saw the bridge where the first shots of the revolutionary war were fired. They have...

Wednesday - Started in Pennsylvania, thru Connecticut, ended in Boston

Boston  • 
We woke up in Pennsylvania and quickly loaded and said goodbye to Tricia and her family. She called us about 10 minutes later and I knew it would not be good. We had forgotten our garment bag hanging in the closet--can I tell you....worst job on the trip is "final inspector" No rewards and you g...

Tuesday - Nazareth and Bethlehem, PA

Bethlehem  • 
Tuesday, our day of rest and regrouping for the last leg of this adventure. All the duffel bags had to be repacked with the clean laundry--one for each of the next 5 hotel stops. Bryan also needed to do some work and I needed to do payroll. (Thanks Amy for helping us with the remote printing--can'...

Monday - New York

New York City  • 
NEW YORK! This is the thing that if you asked James and Abby what they were most excited about on this trip they would both say going to New York. Abby to the American Girl Doll store and to see the statue of liberty and James to Niketown. I was excited to see what they thought.....if it lived up t...

Sunday - Nazareth, PA Tricia's Home

Bethlehem  • 
A day of rest!! Finally!! However, we were up and at church early. The chapel in Tricia's building is small (I think it is 5 rows--of a middle and two sides each). So obviously we sat on folding chairs in the back. Everyone was nice and kind. Of course they all love Dave and Tricia and their f...

Saturday - New Jersey--Philadelphia

Philadelphia  • 
We spent the night in a hotel near the area where Bryan was born so we could start our morning seeing all the Caffrey family locations. Our first stop was the house where Bryan was born and lived for the first 6 years of his life. Then we stopped by a store to buy flowers and took them to the ceme...

Friday - Washington DC--Delaware--New Jersey

Washington  • 
We woke up to a beautiful day in DC. We had a meeting with Jay from the state of Maryland at 8 am for breakfast. He was so kind and drove into DC and met us at the restaurant at our hotel to make things easy for us. We so appreciated it. He also brought treats for the kids which they really apprec...

Thursday - Myrtle Beach--Fredericksburg--Washington DC

Washington  • 
Another day of travel. It is a 7 hour drive or so from Myrtle Beach to DC. (longer if you hit traffic) Quick breakfast in the hotel and then on the road. This having individual bags for each hotel stop is working out great, although you must be very organized to pull if off, and the packing stage...

Wednesday - Myrtle Beach, SC

Myrtle Beach  • 
It was nice to finally have a day with nothing to do and nowhere to drive. We were free to just relax and play--and we all LOVED it! The hotel fed the typical "hot" breakfast that many hotels provide now days. (weak at best--but all the kids really need is a bowl of cereal and they are good to go...

Tuesday - Charleston--Myrtle Beach

Charleston  • 
Can I tell you the great thing about traveling with teenage children? They are actually old enough to be helpful if properly motivated. Bryan and I left them alone in the morning and told them to pack up and load the car. Sure enough, when we returned, they had everything loaded and they had walk...

Monday - Savannah--Charleston

Charleston  • 
We woke up in Savannah, had breakfast at the hotel, then loaded up to drive to Charleston. We made one last stop at Forsyth Park to get some pictures of their famous fountain. (Annie really has a great eye for photography). It is about a 2 hour drive (which is nothing) and we were there. Charlest...

Sunday - Savannah

Savannah  • 
HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRANDMA CAFFREY! We knew when we were planning our trip that one of Aly's great friends from SVU, Rainey, lived here in Savannah. We were excited to be able to meet her and go to her ward for church. Testimony meeting was fabulous and we appreciated the spirit that was felt as the me...

Saturday - Roswell--Macon--Savahnnah, GA

Savannah  • 
We were grateful for the use of the washing machine at Rich's house. After washing laundry and repacking our bags for the next stage of the trip, we were off. We drove to Macon, Georgia and met up with Bryan's uncle Rodney for lunch at a place called " The Smokin' Pig". In the 23 years that we ha...

Friday (4th of July) - Stone Mountain--Atlanta--Fireworks

Atlanta  • 
HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY We woke up and headed to Stone Mountain (about 30 minutes away from where Rich lives in Roswell). The place was an absolute ZOO on the 4th of July!! But if we lived near there I would buy an annual pass and take the kids multiple times. I wish we had been there on a normal da...

Thursday - Started in Madison--Chattanooga--ended in Atlanta, GA

Chattanooga  • 
The day started with another meeting. We had found a hotel the night before near where we were meeting for breakfast. That allowed Bryan and I to get up and head to the meeting while the kids continued to sleep. They then got up, showered and dressed and ate breakfast down in the lobby while we w...

Wednesday - Started in New Orleans--Pensacola--Montgomery--Madison, AL

Madison  • 
Day 4 Wednesday Started in New Orleans Louisiana and Ended in Madison, Alabama We had several different waiters in New Orleans recommend we eat breakfast at a place called Oceana. So, Wednesday morning before we left town we packed up and walked through the town for one last time to breakfast ther...

Tuesday - All day in New Orleans

New Orleans  • 
New Orleans With only one full day to investigate New Orleans we were up and at 'em early. Everyone had told us that we had to have breakfast at Cafe Du Monde, so that was our first stop. Holy cow!!Talk about a cash cow!! And cash is all they accept by the way. They are open 7 days a week 24 hou...

Monday - Starts in Galveston Ends in New Orleans

Galveston  • 
We woke up early, ate breakfast at the hotel, and headed right over to the beach. They had a row of beach chairs and umbrellas set up for beachgoers that looked like a postcard it was so picturesque. The water was the perfect temperature. It just lacked the perfect color. It was like swimming in...

The trip begins - The Start of the Adventure

Mesa  • 
Finally. Our much planned and much anticipated trip has arrived. Bags are all packed (by day and event, not by person much to the children's chagrin). The car is loaded. Our first day of the trip has more driving than any other day in the entire 3 weeks of travel. We wanted to hit it hard right...

Sunday - Started in Mesa--San Antonio--ended in Galveston, Texas

San Antonio  • 
We have arrived in Galveston. It was a LOOONG drive but the kids did GREAT!! They slept and listened to Bryan's audio book. We stopped in San Antonio Texas to see the Alamo and the Riverwalk. It was muggy and warm but they don't seem to notice. They just go about sweating. The landscaping around...