Last nigh was a late night.  We didn't get to bed until 1 am. and we were up at 6:30 and back at it again.  We had driven to Niagra Falls after the Pagent, so we were right there to see the falls first thing.  We had forgotten our passports at home (we were to Basha's when we remembered, but once Bryan is going...he is hard to turn around).  We could have had family get them from our house and mail them to Tricia's house, but we didn't think it really mattered. The view of the falls is better from the Canada side, and Abby was mad she couldn't include Canada in the list of places we traveled to, so in hindsight, I would have had them sent to us.  But, having said all that, the falls are magnificent and amazing.  I love the sound of the water rushing over the edge.  The air is filled with the fine mist of water vapor.  One of the kids favorite things I think was getting a stick and throwing it in the river only to watch it go over the falls.  We talked as we drove away about what analogies or bridges you could make between Niagra falls and gospel principles.  The kids thought of some great ones.  The water was deceptively calm and smooth just up the river. I wondered what the early settlers thought when they first heard and then saw those magnificent falls.

From Niagra Falls we headed to Kirtland, Ohio.  We had only been in the car about 10 minutes when Bryan said "cop" hit the brakes and then the radar detector blared "laser".  Bryan had said repeatedly that if you got hit with a laser it was too late and you were getting a ticket....the radar detector can't protect you from that.  He was right!  The officer was very nice, but Bryan was bummed.  He had really wanted to do the whole trip without a ticket.  darn it!

We have never been to Kirtland before so I was excited to see some of the historical sites there.  Over half the doctrine and covenant revelations were received as Joseph lived in Kirtland.  It was especially neat to be in the rooms where the revelation regarding the word of wisdom and oath and covenant of the priesthood were received.  Abby loved seeing the rooms where Emma cooked and took care of her babies.  Joseph Smith III was born while they lived in the upstairs room at the Newel K. Whitney Store.  We did not have much time, since this was just a bonus stop of the trip, but we quickly drove over to the Kirtland temple site and joined a tour that was already in progress so that we could go inside the Kirtland temple which is owned by the Community of Christ church.  

We had to leave before I was ready because we had a dinner meeting in Lexington, Kentucky with Seth and his wife and kids.  We met them at Ramsey's Diner.  (Bryan always tells everyone he wants a local place with local food)  This place was perfect!  Bryan wanted hot browns while in Kentucky and he got them and they were delicious!!  It makes his list of all time favorite foods for the trip.  And making MY list of all time favorites for the trip was the May Day Pie.  Oh my gosh so good!  It  was this restaurants version of a Derby pie and it was SO great!  I wish we could have bought one to bring back to everyone at the office.  But sadly, it was not to be.  The kids hit it off and while we worked at Seth's office showing him some things with the software they played and played.  Abby and his oldest daughter Lily have exchanged address and numbers and have been texting since that night.  Seth's youngest daughter Georgia promised to mail Annie a picture every morning and every night.  And Isaac was a cutey too. It has been really fun to meet so many great people living all over the country!  After this long day we just grabbed a hotel in Nicholasville down the street from where Seth works.  It was a great day!